The Mustangs rattled off eight straight wins
against four playoff opponents, including Valley Zone and West Nova
Inter-Zone Championships, enroute to the Provincials.
At Provincials in the Antigonish Arena, the Mustangs won all three
hard fought matches: 5 to 3 over Baddeck Bobcats representing Cape
Breton, 3 to 1 over West Colchester from Central, and 5 to 2 over the
host Bulldogs. The goalie tandem of Tournament All Star Goalie Chris
Burke and Craig Sawler (with an assist) were outstanding. Playing strong
defensively for the Mustangs were Tournament All Star Defenseman
“Big” Kyle Hathaway with a goal, Jeff Craswell and Trent MacLean
with assists, ably assisted by Stephen Armstrong, Greg Crocker,
Troy Gould and Craig Sawler/Coleman. The “B” line had half the
scoring points with Tournament Top Scorer and Most Valuable Player,
Billy Maher notching five goals and an assist, Barry Coleman with a goal
and three assists and Brian Blood with a trio of Goals. Also in the
scoring stats were: Richard Armstrong a goal and two assists, Derrick
Goucher and Jeff Mosher each with a goal and assist, Michael Hibbs
with two assists and Peter Banks with an assist. Danny Diggens and
Aaron Toole added to the offensive attack.
This victory marked the third time in only five years that Middleton
claimed this Championship. A job well done and a team most deserving
of entrance into the Wall of Fame