Two weeks later Mason helped the Nova Scotia Senior team win Gold at Nationals in Toronto. Due to his fine play at the two Nationals he was selected to Team Canada Juniors to play in Colorado Springs for the World Blind Sports Goalball Championships but unfortunately broke his collarbone and missed out. Later that year he played with the Seniors in the first Nova Scotia Open, coming 4th. He ended the year with Team Canada Juniors in Ispool, Finland, where Canada won Silver, coming 2nd against Finland, Sweden, and Lithuania.
In 2016 he played with the Seniors, winning Gold in Michigan and at Nationals. He played with the first ever Nova Scotia Junior Team, winning Silver at Nationals in Calgary and repeating the Silver in 2017 only in Brantford. In 2018 the Juniors hosted their first Nationals and won their first Gold! The Seniors won Gold at the Nova Scotia Open. In 2019 the Juniors won Gold at Nationals in Brantford. The Seniors won Gold at the Nova Scotia Open, with Mason scoring the winning goal in Overtime against Quebec!
In 2021 Mason played for Quebec in the First World Club Goalball Championship in Portugal, placing 4th. In 2022 the Seniors won Gold at the Ontario Parasport Games. He played for Team Canada at the 2022 World Goalball Championships in Portugal scoring in all 7 games for a total of 14 goals. We haven’t heard the last of his exploits in Goalball!
The Sports Heritage Wall of Fame is honored to welcome Mason Smith as a most deserving Athlete Inductee.