After a few years working in the bank, Tom moved to Middleton and started the Valley Milling Company in 1924. He built an addition to the mill and bought several trotters and pacers. Several others had harness horses in the area and there would be friendly races at the old track in the summer and on the frozen Annapolis River in the winter. In the late twenties, the horsemen started the Middleton Driving Club.
Tom obtained a 99-year lease from the C.P.R. for the old track property. He served on numerous committees associated with this venture and in May, 1928, stables were built for 20 horses, a judges stand was erected as well as a grandstand for spectators. Races were held under the direction of the United States Trotting Association, with Tom as Race Secretary in charge of handling all entries and forwarding results for recording to the U.S.T.A. Horses and drivers came to Middleton Raceway from all over the Maritimes right up to the mid-fifties when harness racing, like many other sports, became centralized in the larger centers.
In 1946, Tom started his own line of standard breeds at his farm, Falcourt Acres, north of Middleton. He purchased a stallion, Heromine, in the United States and several Budlong brooding mares from Prince Edward Island.
Tom was always active in community affairs as well, serving two terms on the Middleton Town Council. He passed away in Middleton on March 11, 1993.